Amida 3000 Tester
AMIDA 3000 Series Test Systems AMIDA-3000 series test systems are the best Analog / Mixed Signal /

AMIDA-3000 series test systems are the best Analog / Mixed Signal / Digital IC testers for both engineering verification and mass production. It seamlessly links to all popular probes and test handlers, and also supports multi-site testing capability. In the test and measurement aspect, lead time, accuracy and mass volume production are always critical concerns for each customer. With high accuracy, high resolution, high reliability, friendly user interface and low-cost ownership, we provide AMIDA-3000 series to meet your test and measurement needs.
AMIDA 3000 Series Test Systems
AMIDA recently introduced two new analog / mixed signal and logic options for AMIDA – 3000 series – the AMIDA – 3001 XP and AMIDA – 3050 test systems. Both enhance the ability of the AMIDA-3000 Series to provide cost- optimized test solutions for the full range of power consumer and mobility devices.
AMIDA – 3000 Series offers double the analog and digital pin count per instrument as current analog subsystems, resulting in lower cost per pin and twice the pin count per system. This enables higher levels of multi-site for cost – effective testing across a board range of applications. It provides a powerful combination of hardware and software features targeted at the test requirements of high speed IOs. The real time protocol detect feature built into the AMIDA – 3000 Series simplifies test development and can be used to reduce test time of high speed IOs by up to 60% ~ 100%.

用途: 適於各種電子、電鍍、電機、橡膠、五金、化工、塑膠、食品、印刷、製藥、焙茶、烤漆、粉體、含浸、噴塗、陶瓷、玻璃、木器、建材等,廣泛應用於各行業之烘烤、乾燥、熱硬化、回火、預熱、調質、實驗、成型